.Net Core

App Center and WPF.

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First, official introduction: Visual Studio App Center brings together multiple services commonly used by mobile developers into an integrated cloud solution. Developers use App Center to Build, Test, and Distribute applications. Once the app’s deployed, developers monitor the status and usage of the app using the Analytics and Diagnostics services, and engage with users using […]

.Net Core

C# locks and async Tasks.

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C# lock is mechanism to prevent concurrent access to “restricted” resource in multi-threaded environment. In multi-threaded applications locks are used to ensure that the current thread executes a block of code to completion without interruption by other threads. The lock statement obtains a mutual exclusion lock for a given object so that one thread executes […]


Bluetooth GATT Xamarin.Forms client.

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If you read my previous blog post how to create Bluetooth GATT server on top of UWP, then you should be familiar with basics of Bluetooth. In this post I will extend on other side of the “wire” of the Bluetooth communication. I will do this with Xamarin.Forms. In this post I will create simple […]


Bluetooth GATT server.

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Developing applications which use Bluetooth can be tricky. Commonly, on one side of the communication you have some hardware or maybe some IoT device, while on other, there is some mobile app or similar. When doing geenfield projects, normally you don’t have everything in place on the device side, but you need to develop Bluetooth […]

.Net Core

Simple Settings service example in C#.

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In .NET world storing data into xml configuration files is very common scenario. While, web apps (Asp.Net) use web.config, desktops use app.config (renamed to <FullExecutableFilename>.exe.config at runtime). Every application sooner or later needs to collect, persist and restore some data (settings) from (to) end user. While web apps store these information almost always into database, […]

.Net Core

Experimenting with gRPC in .NET Core.

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Modern applications are distributed, loose-coupled and service oriented. Decoupled systems perform and scale better, maintenance is far easier (by reducing complexity into smaller more maintainable parts). Communication system that glue together these decoupled parts is important part of the system. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) has always been de-facto framework for communication between decoupled systems/processes in […]


How to get data from WordPress.

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I tried to pull some data from one WordPress to another WordPress installation. As I normally do, first I checked if some fancy plugin or widget exist in enormous WordPress plugin repository. After a while, I did not find (did not conform all my needs) any nice and easy solution.